Ro Ghoul Auto Farm By Hansy. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! Will I be banned if I used autofarm in ro ghoul? Yes you will be banned if you use any type of auto farming that relates autofarm tool that are scripted.but you can use auto click to auto farm cause you won't be banned. Ro-Ghoul Auto Farm. Mikael Publisher on. January 09, 2021 in Ro-Ghoul, Roblox, Script. Get Script Click here Game Link Click here.
Can you get banned for using auto farm on a privat server. Ro-Ghoul is a game inspired by Tokyo Ghoul, created by SushiWalrus on ROBLOX. Ro-Ghoul AUTO FARM, AUTO STATS & AUTO SKILLS Some autofarms can get you banned if you aren't careful. This one, from what I've seen, doesn't get you banned. NEW Jailbreak Auto Rob! Remember to use these on alts because everyone of them have ban risks. Ragdoll Engine NEW OP SCRIPT Fly, Teleports, & MORE!
Auto Farm Ro Ghoul
- --[[ to set the mobs you want to kill just add the number corresponding to the mbo to index_list table
- eg: index_list[#index_list + 1] = 7 would add the 'Human' to the target list, same thing goes for selected key,
- just select the attack based off the key_list table, 5 being the mouseclick attack
- feel free to make this into a gui, :), a script this simple shouldn't be paid
- local tweenservice = game:GetService('TweenService')
- local Players = game:GetService('Players')
- local plrrem = client.Character:FindFirstChild('Remotes')
- local selected_key =5
- local tp_offset =,0,0)
- local mouse = client:GetMouse()
- client.CameraMinZoomDistance =20
- [1]='Low Rank Aogiri Member',
- [3]='High Rank Aogiri Member',
- [5]='Rank 2 Investigator',
- [7]='Human',
- }
- local key_list ={
- [2]='E',
- [4]='R',
- }
- ['autofarm']=true,
- }
- local key
- iftype(v)'function'then
- iftostring(i)'HRPPosition1'then
- end
- end
- return key
- function checkOff(remotes)
- if remotes:FindFirstChild('GetPos')and remotes:FindFirstChild('StatUpdate')and remotes:FindFirstChild('UpdateAll')then
- --remotes:FindFirstChild('GetPos').RobloxLocked = true
- remotes:FindFirstChild('StatUpdate').RobloxLocked =true
- --remotes:FindFirstChild('UpdateAll').RobloxLocked = true
- warn('checks are off')
- end
- local npc_grab ={}
- for i,v innext,(npcs)do
- table.insert(npc_grab, v:FindFirstChild(npc_table[index]))
- else
- end
- end
- end
- function eatCorpse()
- client.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson
- mouse1click()
- client.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.Classic
- end
- function pressKey(key)
- pressrem:FireServer(remotepw, key_list[key],'Down', mouse.Hit)
- CFrameValue.Value = model:GetPrimaryPartCFrame()
- CFrameValue:GetPropertyChangedSignal('Value'):connect(function()
- end)
- ((model:GetPrimaryPartCFrame().Position - target.Position).magnitude)/250,-- Length
- Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,-- Easing Style
- Enum.EasingDirection.Out,-- Easing Direction
- 0,-- Times repeated
- false,-- Reverse
- 0-- Delay
- )
- local tween = tweenservice:Create(CFrameValue, Info,{Value = target.CFrame})
- tween:Play()
- --// MAIN LOOP
- local char = client.Character
- wait()
- while toggles['autofarm']do
- while o:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')do
- tweenMove(char, o:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart'))
- wait()
- eatCorpse()
- wait()