Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy. Giant Hamster Run. Give Up Robot 2. Goal South Africa. Goalkeeper Premier. Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a punishing climbing game, a homage to Jazzuo's 2002 B-Game classic 'Sexy Hiking'. You move the hammer with the mouse, and that's all there is. With practice, you'll be able to jump, swing, climb and fly. “An orange is a sweet juicy fruit, locked inside a bitter peel. That’s not how I feel about a challenge, I only want the bitterness. It’s coffee, it’s grapefruit, it’s licorice. ” Bennett Foddy Orange Hell is the popular fan-made nickname given to an obstacle in Getting Over It. After completing the section in the game where the room furniture is located, Diogenes will find. Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a punishing climbing game, a homage to Jazzuo's 2002 B-Game classic 'Sexy Hiking'. You move the hammer with the mouse, and that's all there is. With practice, you'll be able to jump, swing, climb and fly. Great mysteries and a wonderful reward await the master hikers who reach the top of the mountain.
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To hurt them.'
Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy is a game built out of recycled assets by Foddy in which you must climb over a mountain of garbage using only a sledgehammer. The climber is nothing more than a torso sticking out of a cauldron, and as such, can slide off surfaces and has no ability to jump and climb himself. Similar to QWOP, this is a game about having very inconvenient controls for the task at hand, but it is a much, much longer game.
The game is designed to be frustrating; a few mistakes can send you plummeting all the way back down the mountain to where you started the game. And given the awkwardness of the controls, and the difficulty of scaling many sections, this is likely to happen many, many times over the course of the game.
Overlaying the game is narration by Bennett Foddy himself, discussing video game design, musing about disposable culture, and talking about the game that inspired Getting Over It, a 2002 B-game called Sexy Hiking. Sometimes, when the player falls far enough, Foddy gives the player some words of encouragement.
Getting Over It Unblocked
After all, if they give up, he can't hurt them anymore.
Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy World Record
Troping Over It With Bennett Foddy:
- And Your Reward Is Clothes: You can get a golden cauldron for beating the game 50 times. It doesn't make the game easier in any way.
- Anyone Remember Pogs?: Early in the commentary, Bennett mentions that people were expecting games to eventually be built entirely from premade assets, a la the Unity Store. Much of the commentary is on exactly why this never came to pass.
- Arc Words: 'I'm going down the road feeling bad.'
- Artistic License – Physics: Even with how Muscles Are Meaningful, the protagonist shouldn't be able to get anywhere the way he moves.
- Ascended Glitch: Before the game was released on Steam, someone accidentally got irrevocably stuck on the final tower, by somehow causing himself to fall back down to the bottom of the tower with the hammer on the other side of it. Because of this, the Downer Ending was added for the Steam release.Foddy: You got so close, but this is past mending. You got the bad ending.
- Bat Scare: A Screamer Prank caused by a massive swarm of the things that produces a loud roar combined with cacophony of bat noises. Appears from a gift box that falls near the Anvil and, more infamously, at the Church Bell. The latter scare has massive frustration potential.
- Checkpoint Starvation: There are no checkpoints. If you fall, you can fall all the way down the mountain, and the only way to get back up is to climb up again. At the very least, the game saves your progress for good OR bad, as narrated by the man himself.
- Contemplate Our Navels: As you make your trek up the mountain, Bennett talks about his inspiration for making this game, the culture of consumerism, and particularly the nature of failure (and getting back up from failure).
- Continuing is Painful: While you can't die per se (except in the lake at the beginning), the mountain is designed so that you can fall all the way back to the beginning at almost any point.
- Deadpan Snarker: Foddy's narration includes various inspirational quotes delivered in a matter-of-fact way whenever the player loses progress, but to more than a few players they come off as Foddy sarcastically rubbing salt in their wounds.
- Death Is a Slap on the Wrist: The only way to die is to jump into the lake to the left of the starting point. And it immediately puts you back at the starting point if you do.
- Deconstruction Game: On awkward controls and Checkpoint Starvation. The game also explores the concept of game making and what makes a 'b-game', as well as making games meant to reward or entertain a player.
- Determinator: The Man, according to Foddy, with the player representing his determination.Narrator: In this you are his will, his intent. The embodied resolve in his uphill ascent.
- Difficult, but Awesome: The 'Slide Skip', one of the only shortcuts in the game. With a very precise jump, it is possible to leap from the building just before the grill all the way up to the stairs, bypassing a small chunk of the game. While the shortcut is generally more difficult to pull off than just climbing up the normal way, it is used universally by speedrunners to shave ~10-20 seconds off their time (and has the added advantage for everyone else that, unlike taking the slide route, there's almost no possibility of falling back down to the lakeside).
- Do Not Spoil This Ending: After completing the game you are presented with a screen regarding your 'reward', that asks you to confirm you are no longer recording or streaming then it asks for your name, and lets you into a chat room of a sort, letting you leave messages for Bennett and the other successful climbers. And the game will kick/ban you if you're caught streaming the chat room.
- Earn Your Bad Ending: It's actually pretty difficult (though not impossible) to get the bad ending without deliberately trying, as it requires you to screw up in a very precise way at the very last challenge of the game.
- Exact Words: The image quote above. The game will save your progress, every excrutiating frame, and there's only one autosave slot.
- Have a Nice Death: Foddy gives the player words of encouragement every time they fall - which may also involve inspirational quotes and playing appropriately-titled music.
- Hope Spot: The various points where it looks like the map's design would stop you from falling all the way back down to the start. You can anyway. The most egregious part is when you get to the second area of the game and there is a long plateau before the next climbing section - at the top of which, you climb back out over open, empty air.
- Hypocrite: Bennett Foddy created this game to emotionally hurt the people who play it and even says so, as the narrator, that he enjoys the bitterness and misery of the moments when the players make a long fall during the game. Yet he calls out the people who only watch videos of other people playing the game as being baby birds 'eating regurgitated food'.note
- Irony: Diogenes is considered one of history's greatest trolls. In this game however, The Man In The Cauldron is Diogenes, and you're being trolled by the game and Bennett.
- Made of Iron: The Man in the Cauldron has the strength and endurance to lug himself, a sledgehammer and a cauldron up a mountain of garbage without stopping, propelled only by the sledgehammer. He can fall all the way from the top to the starting area and all that will happen is some water will slosh out of his cauldron. He also does not freeze to death in the ice and snow section, despite having no clothes and being in a metal cauldron.
- Meaningful Name: Diogenes is the name of the man in the cauldron.
- New Media Are Evil: Foddy believes the main reason asset-based games and the discussion about them never took off is because of a 'garbage culture' - though he's quick to explain it is in no way an insult towards the asset makers or consumers. He means it to be a society where things are disposed of once used up - be it a poem or food or, say, a video game - and pre-made items are often faster to go through, and thus disposed once finished, and often forgotten. In this case, Foddy believes a lot of items nowadays are pre-made for ease of use, including entertainment, and people will naturally want to find something unique - and B-Games, like Sexy Hiking, were a result, using recycled assets and rough-but-unique gameplay to make something new. Part of Getting Over It's rationale is both trying to defy an easy one-and-done game that won't last long and won't be memorable, as well as using pre-made assets in a way that makes them unique.
- Nintendo Hard: Averted. There are no enemies. Except the bats. This isn't a Platform Hell game. There are no invisible blocks that ruin your path, no Kaizo Trap or Fake Platform areas. The biggest enemy in this game is the player's own will to finish it, and patience to correctly move through the level. What you see is what you get; with skill & practice, the game can be legitimately completed in under 2 minutes.
- Trial-and-Error Gameplay is limited to the merest touch in one small area, the ice mountain section near the end, which can cause a few slide-downs if you didn't catch on (literally) to the hidden ledges within the ice. It is the first & only time the game presents hidden ledges, you won't realize the trick through plain pre-climb observation. As most hidden ledges are placed below the full arm's reach, you only stumble upon it by sliding down from a bad grab onto a non-ledge. Foddy himself pondered the fairness of the section, but ultimately decided to keep it.
Bennett Foddy: And I liked the way you could slide all the way down and hit the snake. - Noob Bridge: The house just past the pit at the start of the game generally serves this function. It's the first real obstacle in the game that cannot by bypassed by random flailing. While trivial for veteran players, new players are often flummoxed the first few times they have to get past it, especially if they haven't mastered (or learned) using the hammer to jump.
- Platform Hell: Subverted. While most games of this type are designed to infuriate you through a combination of insane challenges and Trial-and-Error Gameplay, Getting Over It contains no such things. You never need to react quickly to anything, you can always stop at your own leisure and continue at your own pace. There's only one place in the whole game that is debatable to contain Trial and Error mechanics, which is detailed above. The game also doesn't laugh at your failures or mock you in an overt way, with Foddy instead offering words of encouragement and simple praise. The result is that a game which could be used to infuriate and piss people off can also be incredibly meditative, and can actually be sort of fun since the game isn't laughing at every mistake you make.
- Reset Button: At any point before the end you can slip so badly you end up all the way back at the beginning, even by pushing away in the wrong direction just before the end, where gravity no longer operates. The Snake (whether you hook it out of curiosity, in frustration, by accident, or to show viewers of your Let's Play what happens) is the major example of this.
- Scaling the Summit: The point of the game (with a rather unusual mountain made out of junk).
- Schmuck Bait:
- If you're dumb enough to deliberately 'ride the snake' despite the warning not to do so, it takes you all the way back to the start of the game. Of course, the game being what it is, that section and the one after are designed to enable the player to make a mistake, drop down to accidentally land on the snake and fall through the level to the start.
- If you hang around the anvil for a while, a mysterious present might drop from the sky. If you go over to investigate it you'll get a reprise of the Bat ScareJump Scare from the church. Haven't you learned that this game doesn't do anything nice for you?
- Shout-Out:
- Foddy has quotes on failure and/or misery from everyone from William Shakespeare to C. S. Lewis to Ice-T.
- The player character from Sexy Hiking can be found on an asteroid just to the right of the radio tower.
- The infamous snake is a shout-out to the classic board game Snakes and Ladders.
- Snakes Are Sinister: A snake positioned near the end of the game will take you right back to the very beginning. Not the pit where most traps send you - the absolute beginning before the dead tree.
- Some Dexterity Required: The mechanical focus of the game.
- Spiritual Successor: To Sexy Hiking.
- Super Drowning Skills: The only thing you can do that will actually kill The Man is to drop him in the lake to the left of starting area. The cauldron must be heavy, after all, and it's not like The Man can get himself out...
- Suspend Save: The game saves whenever you quit. While it allows you to continue your climbing, it also saves if you screw up, forcing you to climb back up.
- Take That, Audience!: Foddy has some choice words for people who experience this game by watching a YouTuber or Twitch gamer do it, likening them to baby birds 'eating regurgitated food' because they won't experience it for themselves. Although considering that most of the Let's Play viewers don't come to experience the game, but the person playing it (for example, watching Markiplier lose his shit and throw objects around in fury), the message might have fallen on deaf ears.
- Unwinnable by Mistake: It is possible to get seemingly irrevocably stuck by getting the head of your hammer on one side of the radio tower and your body on the other, then shimmying downwards.note When someone brought this to Foddy's attention, he added a 'Bad Ending' voice clip to the game for that circumstance, making this an Ascended Glitch.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: The Man, though it's more like 'Hopping Shirtless Scene'. It's hard to tell if he's wearing anything under the cauldron, in fact...or if he even has anything, legs included, down there. Bennett Foddy confirmed that The Man in fact has legs, and that he wears the cauldron to protect them while he climbs.
- Whammy: Pushing the wrong way from an asteroid near the end, landing on the icy slope, slipping down it, and hooking the Snake.
- Yank the Dog's Chain: A slip can undo as much as all the progress you've made so far (and the Snake was thrown in for this purpose). Furthermore, there are things in the scenery (like the house by the chimney formation early on) that look to the first-timer like a goal, but are just part of the scenery.
- Yet Another Stupid Death: How the game hurts you. Though, outside of jumping into the lake, you don't die. You just have to start over your climb. Again.