Advanced Potion Making Half Blood Prince

Up until this course our feast had featured the unexpected and exciting, but now it was time to blow our guests’ minds with some ACTUAL MAGIC!!*
Advanced Potion Making Half Blood Prince

Nov 19, 2014 - A personally-annotated copy of Advanced Potion-Making belonged to Severus Snape while he attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Snape's nickname for himself was the. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, Advanced Potion Making Book. Replica movie prop This version is a complete book, it has actual Advance Potion Making pages through out to give the book even more character and making it that much cooler.

Being the sixth course we didn’t want anything heavy, and were initially planning a dessert, however being The Half Blood Prince we couldn’t look past a potions class and decided that a magical after dinner cocktail was the way to go.
We first stumbled across colour-changing cocktails while drooling over the Instagram account of Alchemist, a bar in Leeds, UK. The discovery of this magical cocktail lead to quite an investigation:
  1. What is this mysterious blue liquid?
  2. Can we get it in Australia?
  3. Will it taste any good?
  4. Why doesn’t every bar in the world have cocktails like this?!

After much intensive research (AKA a fews hours on Google, and a few trial cocktails) the answers turned out to be:

  1. Butterfly Pea Extract
  2. Yes, we can (online here, and relatively inexpensive for such a wondrous elixr!)
  3. Yes, it will and;
  4. I do not know, but they bloody well should!
Butterfly Pea Extract is a bright blue infusion (you can also get Butterfly Pea Tea) which is pH reactive.
And now for the science-y bit!
The mix is blue in basic environments, purple in neutral environments, and bright pink in acidic environments. This means that to get the maximum effect from the extract we needed to have a basic base for the drink, and an acidic element to be stirred through at the table. We decided on a base of green tea (and gin for those who wanted a more spirited potion), with the acidic kick of elder flower and soda water to cause the colour change.
But a colour changing cocktail on its own was not going to magical enough, oh no! Our guests in true Winter Feast style had to work for their cocktail!
When the time came we had Prefect #6 read their clue:
“This book is the property of the Half Blood Prince”
PrinceAdvanced Potion Making Half Blood Prince

Half Blood Prince Advanced Potion Making Book Replica

Earlier in the night our guests had discovered a worn copy of Advanced Potion Making and had been passing it around the table, thinking it was just a prop. They now realised that, in fact, it had been a recipe in disguise the whole time!

Advanced Potion Making Half-blood Prince

Inside the book, opposite a recipe for ‘Draft of the Living Dead’, complete with the Half Blood Prince’s scrawl, were the instructions for a potion of our own creation – ‘Elixir to Induce Euphoria’. The full un-Potterfied recipe will be posted soon.

Half-blood Prince Advanced Potion Making Book Pdf

In the top corner of the book we drew a symbol with directions to find the ingredients needed in the potion cabinet. While we brought out glasses and the remaining ingredients, our guests examined every potion label on the shelves until they discovered the same symbol on the front of a small black chest in the bookshelf. Inside were twelve small vials, sealed with a cork, a large bottle of butterfly pea extract and 24 shot glasses in 2 different sizes.

Advanced Potion Making Half Blood Prince Copy

Our guests took turns following the instructions in the recipe. We asked them all to wait and complete the final step – pouring in the acidic ingredients – together. If the collective Oohs, Aaahs, and cries of ‘Witchcraft!’ as the blue potion turned a bright magenta before their eyes was any indication, our literal magic* mind freak was a success – and the resulting potion was delicious to boot!